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Up until now you've probably have completed all your tasks using some sort of program, but mostly using your mouse to make actions. Well, there are better and more efficient ways.

  • shell vs kernel
  • open your shell, many type of shells i.e. zsh, bash, powershell, gitbash
  • shells can be used inside programs like terminals
  • always take a look at left to know in what context will your command run
  • touch FILE - create a file
  • mkdir FOLDER - create a folder
  • rm FILE - delete file
  • rm -rf FOLDER - delete folder
  • cp FILE FILECOPY - make a copy of a file or folder
  • mv FILE NEWFILE - rename a file or folder
  • ls - list folder's contents
  • cat FILE - display file contents
  • cd FOLDER|.. - change directory, .. go up one level, or to go into a folder you type in the name of it
  • pwd - show
  • > - redirect data into file (overwrites)
  • >> - redirect data into file (appends)