Welcome to this section. I hope at this point you have have a good grasp of HTML. Overall, HTML is boring and looks boring. With CSS will be able to spice things up!
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. On it's own CSS can't be used. You can think of CSS as a layer that builds on top of HTML. The main purpose of CSS is to give pizazz to your HTML pages, it can make your web pages look "prettier".
With CSS you can add background colors, borders, spacing, manipulate how text looks like, and move or shift things around a web page.
One way to think of CSS is ass making a newspaper look pretty, which is basically a magazine. Magazines are colorful, the layouts are interesting, and the typography in them is fascinating.
Adding CSS
Three ways to add CSS:
- HTML global attribute style=""
- using
tag in your HTML file - creating a new file with the extension .css and then referencing it with
tag in your HTML file
- grouping
- direct child
- descendant
- general sibling
- adjacent sibling
Box Model
Background images and gradients
Box Sizing
::before vs ::after
Hiding Content
visibility: hidden;
vsdisplay: none;
vsopacity: 0;
- value set will be automatically inherited by all it's descendants
Cascade origins
spec, user agent, author, and user style sheets
- all
- initial
- inherit
- unset
- revert
- avoid it, history for its creation
Block vs Inline elements
Physical vs logical properties
Units of Measurement
Relative vs Absolute units
- px - not a real pixel
- cm - (note: on screen will not be accurate, only if printed)
- mm - (note: on screen will not be accurate, only if printed)
- in - (note: on screen will not be accurate, only if printed)
- pt -
- pc -
Dependent, always based on something else.
- em - based on parent (compounds)
- rem - based on root (html)
- % - based on parent
- vw - based on viewport width
- vh - based on viewport height
- vmin - smallest of either vw and vh
- vmax - largest of either vw and vh
- ch - based on width of the character 0
- ex - based on height of the character x
Color formats
- named colors
- the story of the color named rebeccapurple
Precedence (weight)
- !important (highest precedent)
- try to avoid at all costs!
- id
- class, pseudo-class, attributes
- element and pseudo-element (lowest precedent)
Tie Breakers (equal weight)
(highest precedent)<style></style>
- within same style tag, rules that come last within style tags win
file (lowest precedent)- within same file, rules that come last in file win
Text styling
- color
- font-family, font-size, font-weight, font-style, etc
- text-decoration, text-transform, text-align, text-shadow, etc
- line-height
- letter-spacing, word-spacing
- columns
List styling
Hover styling
Link styling
a {
a:link {
a:visited {
a:focus {
a:hover {
a:active {
- made for image alignment
- old technique for layouts
- clear fix
- bfc
Display property
- outer inner
Block Formatting Context - a "mini layout"
Margin collapsing
Stacking Context
Simple animations using transition property
Advanced animations using animation property and @keyframes
Flex vs Grid
flex can either be vertical (column) or horizontal (row). Horizontal is the default. For Grid, it's both horizontal and vertically at the same time.
Flex - flexible layouts
- grow
- shrink
- basis - falls back to width (for row direction) or to height (for column direction) if set to auto, content if neither. min-width/max-width or min-height/max-height can affect it
Media Queries
- screen vs print
Responsive design
- mobile first vs desktop first
- breakpoints
- @media min-width or max-width
User preferences - dark/light mode, less motion, etc
Check for property support
CSS resets vs normalizations
CSS variables
Organizing: OOCSS vs BEM vs SMACSS
Debugging techniques
* { }
- borders
- outlines
- specificity
- transparent backgrounds